Evelyn Philipps

I have been taking watercolor classes since shortly after I retired many years ago.

Since the pandemic, the class has been virtual, with the same teacher and many of the same classmates I have been with for years.

Our most recent assignment was to create a watercolor collage using old paintings that did not quite meet our expectations or standards. Needless to say, we all, including our instructor, had a plethora of those lying around, behind sofas, under beds, and in the back of closets. What an opportunity!

I went to work eagerly, going through my old paintings and found paintings with a wealth of colors, textures, and interesting shapes in them that could be used for the assignment. I also created some new textures in different colors using techniques learned more recently.

While trying to come up with an idea of what to do with my “treasure”, a painting of a vase with flowers, never finished, caught my attention. I decided to use it as the background for my collage and my creative juices started to flow. I stopped thinking about all the depressing things going on in the world. What a gift! I appreciated that the process was as important (maybe more important) than the product.

Since then I have made two other collages and I expect to to do more. The class assignment was a prompt – making collages has become a way of giving new life to old things. I hope others will enjoy them.

  1. Judith Adler says:

    As a late blooming watercolorist, poet, pianist, writer……………..what magnificence of colour So creative…………thanks for sharing.

  2. evelyn says:

    Hello Barry
    I really enjoyed your comment. It makes me happy to know that my creation brings positive thoughts and feelings to others. Thank you so much.

  3. Don Stewart says:

    These are lovely!
    I’ve told students for years to hang on to their ‘unsuccessful’ works. Thanks for giving me another reason to encourage this choice.

  4. Evelyn says:

    Definitely a good idea. I have really been having a good time tearing up my old paintings and repurposing them.
    Really gets the creative juices going. Maybe part of it is not worrying if it doesn’t work out.
    Happy New Year.

  5. Kitana says:

    Wow Evelyn! beautiful collages! As always, your beautiful artful speaks to me and lifts my spirits. Well done!

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